Rates & FAQ

Counseling Rates

Individual Counseling

$200 (50 minutes)

Initial Intake Assessment

$250 (90 minutes)

Sliding Scale Counseling

Limited Spaces Available

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Yes! It is important to confirm with your insurance company that you are eligible for out-of-network benefits. If appropriate, I will provide you with a statement of services each month to submit to your insurance company for reimbursement. You will be responsible for paying for each session in full at the time of appointment.

  • Tele-therapy has the same benefits of traditional therapy, but with additional advantages. Clients have shared that online therapy allows them to prioritize their mental health without having to sacrifice time and inconvenience on commuting, scheduling conflicts, and weather complications. For many, therapy feels much safer taking place in the familiarity of their own home. Clients also have the option of inviting their pets into session, which often provides an additional sense of calm and comfort.

    Tele-health occurs on a HIPAA-compliant and secure online platform. Prior to our first session, I will send you a link to the online therapy platform. At our scheduled session time, you simply click on the link provided and I will start our video call to begin.

  • It’s completely normal to be nervous about starting therapy. It can be scary to think of opening up to someone new, perhaps fearing that it will be awkward and uncomfortable. This can feel overwhelming and it requires courage to start going to therapy. The fact that you are on this website, looking for help, and reading this right now shows that you are being brave for seeking help.

    Therapy is a space where you can be yourself and come just as you are, including feeling nervous. I’m committed to finding a way to care for your nervousness and ensure sessions are as comfortable as possible.

  • I encourage you to take your time to read through my website to get a sense of my speciality areas, values, background, and treatment approaches. My therapeutic style is modern (vs. the traditional, blank-slate therapist), in that I show up to sessions as my authentic self, give honest and thoughtful feedback, and build genuine connections with my clients. If you feel I may be a good fit for you based on what you are reading, please feel free to schedule a consultation with me. You can learn more about how I have helped other people with similar struggles, what a typical session with me is like, get a feel for my personality, or ask any questions you may have. You’ll also be able to share what’s going on for you and I will let you know how I can help.

    During sessions, you’ll be able to see how you feel working with me. My approach may not work for everyone, but what’s most important to me is that you find someone who you feel is the right fit for you. We can explore that together.

  • It can be concerning feeling like things you say or do in therapy could "get out." So I want you to know that unless there is an imminent danger to yourself or someone else, everything you share with me is confidential. Your privacy and trust are of utmost importance to me.

    If you have specific questions about how confidentiality works, you can ask during your during a free phone consultation or anytime during our work together. I will also review confidentiality in depth during our intake assessment so you are clear on any limits related to safety, minors, etc.

  • For most of us, it can feel scary to open up. During our sessions, I want you to be confident knowing that you are not obligated to share anything you aren't comfortable sharing. Your feelings and experiences are your own, and you have the absolute right to choose what, how much, and when you will share with me. While it’s my job to provide you space to slowly start to work through the tough stuff, rest assured that you are in control of what you share.

    You can also express that you are nervous to open up about something and we can talk about that too. When you do feel ready to address more challenging topics, know that this emotional risk does have a great payoff; when we are able to express and process our feelings, it gives us the ability to consciously choose how to respond to them, rather than unconsciously reacting to them. I'm here to help you navigate through all of this.

  • You might be wondering how long therapy will take because you think that therapy will be an overwhelming process. If this is true for you, I want you to know that on average, my new clients start seeing initial progress after the first 3-5 sessions. By that point, they feel like they have learned some ways to manage challenges in their lives a bit better.

    The total duration of therapy varies from client to client. Some of my clients find 8-12 weeks to be enough to reach their goals, while other clients feel more supported by long-term therapy. We will work together to find the length of time that works for you.

  • Absolutely not. I will only incorporate art therapy as a treatment approach for individuals who have deliberately expressed interest in doing so. Each person I work with is entirely unique, so I do not apply a “one-size-fits-all” approach, and we will decide together what feels most comfortable/effective for you. As with everything else in our work together, I will honor your preferences, interests, needs, and values.

  • I want you to know there is nothing you can say that will cause me to judge you, because I am very aware that nobody is perfect, we all struggle, and we are all worthy of compassion and acceptance. While it’s valid to fear judgement from others, I provide a safe space where you can feel heard and supported. Through my own life journey and working with my clients, I know just how ‘normal’ your experience is.

  • In our first session I will spend time asking you questions that helps me get to know you and the challenges that brought you into therapy. I’ll invite you to share more about yourself, your history, and your goals for therapy. We can also talk about what’s worked or not worked for your mental health in the past.

    I will also review policies and procedures with you, and you will be welcome to ask me any questions you might have. For example, you might be curious about my experience or how future sessions work.

    The most important part of a first session is that you see if you feel I’m a good fit for you. If you feel safe, accepted, and comfortable with me, we can discuss if you’d like to meet again.

  • You have the right to receive a “Good Faith Estimate” explaining how much your medical and mental health care will cost.

    Under the law, health care providers need to give patients who don’t have insurance or who are not using insurance an estimate of the expected charges for medical services, including psychotherapy services.

    You have the right to receive a Good Faith Estimate for the total expected cost of any non-emergency healthcare services, including psychotherapy services.

    You can ask your health care provider, and any other provider you choose, for a Good Faith Estimate before you schedule a service.

    If you receive a bill that is at least $400 more than your Good Faith Estimate, you can dispute the bill. Make sure to save a copy or picture of your Good Faith Estimate.

    For questions or more information about your right to a Good Faith Estimate, visit www.cms.gov/nosurprises.

  • I'm here to talk during a free phone consultation where you can share what’s going on for you and I will let you know how I can help.

Let’s Discover How I Can Help

Gain relief from anxiety and start enjoying your life again. Schedule your free phone consultation where you can share a little about what’s going on for you and we can explore how I can help.