
Do you struggle with communication?

It might be difficult to express what’s on your mind, especially, when someone has upset you. Maybe you fear if you express how you feel, you will be met with dismissive or shaming responses. You decide it’s easier to just keep it to yourself and not stir the pot. This results in the other person walking away unaware and unaffected, while you are left feeling anxious and resentful.

Passive, Passive-aggressive, or aggressive?

You probably can relate to one or all three of these communication styles. Maybe someone offends you, you say nothing, and you go on to act as if all is well. Over time, you may notice resentment starts to build. Subtle expressions of dissatisfaction, such as eye-rolls or sarcastic remarks, may become prevalent until the suppressed emotions eventually reach a boiling point.

This culmination might manifest in a disruptive argument or an overwhelming surge of anxiety, prompting attempts to cope through unhealthy means. You may feel trapped in a recurring cycle of unexpressed anger, hurt, anxiety, and relationship challenges. Breaking free from this pattern and learning how to utilize assertive communication is possible with the appropriate guidance and tools.

Counseling Can Help You…

  • Explore relationship dynamics and communication patterns

  • Learn to express your feelings in a direct, healthy way

  • Become comfortable creating and enforcing boundaries

  • Practice and develop assertive communication skills

  • Increase feelings of peace, confidence, and relational safety

You Don’t Have To Keep Struggling. Let’s Discover How I Can Help.