Panic Attack Therapy

Anxiety Specialist Providing Online Therapy Throughout NJ, FL, And CT

Panic attacks can feel like…

  • You’re having a heart attack

  • You can’t breathe or you’re choking

  • You’re out of control of your body

  • You are “going crazy”

  • You are going to faint or throw up

  • You are going to die

“I feel like I’m going crazy…”

Experiencing a panic attack can feel like you are losing control or “going crazy.” Sometimes panic attacks feel like you are facing imminent death, whether it feels like you are choking, suffocating or having a heart attack. Though panic attacks pose no physical threat, they are terrifying experiences and extremely uncomfortable.

Maybe you are avoiding certain situations in attempt to not have a panic attack. This might create temporary relief, but long-term the anxiety around having a panic attack intensifies, and as a result, more situations are avoided.

Counseling Can Help You…

  • Recognize you are safe and not in danger

  • Learn how to challenge and replace irrational fears

  • Develop skills that calm physical symptoms of panic

  • Process panic triggers without fear of judgment

  • Learn how to overcome panic-related avoidance

  • Enjoy life without fear of having a panic attack

You Don’t Have To Keep Struggling. Let’s Discover How I Can Help.